Enhance Learning
Anytime Anywhere

Virtual Training at your fingertips.

Embark on an educational journey with interactive learning. VTE connects platforms built from the ground up with students, instructors, and life-long learners.

    • Interactive exercises and activities
    • Self-paced learning modules
    • On-demand access to course content

Designed for the way we learn today.

Today’s students learn differently, and today’s teaching tools have evolved to meet those changes. These stand-alone lessons and the greater VTE modernize the classroom with an experience that students are familiar with in today’s high-technology environment.

Training Anytime, Anywhere

Take your training beyond the classroom. Your training can be accessed anytime, anywhere, exactly as you left it. Mobile clients on iOS and Android allow you to continue your training with content designed for mobile applications.

A Unified, Personal Experience

Approved training ensures that students and instructors receive consistent, customized experiences regardless of materials or subject matter.

Creating Life-Long Learners

The learning process is never finished. Students and long-time instructors have the materials, metrics, and resources available to enhance readiness and improve MOS proficiency.

Enterprise Stakeholders

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The PEO Aviation Virtual Training Environment is designed to provide the Army Aviation community with the training resources they need to securely access content Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Device. Links to each Aviation mission house training materials produced and maintained by each of the PEO Aviation TADSS organizations.

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