If you receive a "User not found" error from EAMS-A, please update your RAPIDS Profile and try again. Visit https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco and select "Continue" under "My Profile".

Otherwise, EAMS-A may be experiencing temporary problems. Please retry at a later time. If the problem persists, contact the VTS Help Desk at: usarmy.redstone.usaasc.list.virtual-training-suite-helpdesk@army.mil

Yes. VTS does require authentication, so a CAC reader is required.

Ensure your popup blocker is disabled, as well as any adblocking plugins. If the problem persists, contact the VTS Help Desk at: usarmy.redstone.usaasc.list.virtual-training-suite-helpdesk@army.mil

You may email the Help Desk at usarmy.redstone.usaasc.list.virtual-training-suite-helpdesk@army.mil, and we will provide as much information as possible or direct you to the relevant entity. Please note that VTS is a content hosting platform, and there are steps to be completed by creators, reviewers, and non-VTS entities before any given training is made available on VTS.

The latest version of VTS is available for download on the VTS Versions page. It is always best from a quality and security standpoint to operate with the latest version, though recent older versions may continue to be supported for a while. Eventually, old versions will become unsupported, at which time users must update.

To confirm which version you are running, launch VTS (you do NOT need to log in) and look for the version number in the lower right corner of the screen.

No, VTS is only compatible with Windows.

Yes. You may access it with CAC authentication here:

VTS Security Authorization Decision
CAC Required

For information regarding whether your product can be included under our ATO, please contact the Help Desk at: usarmy.redstone.usaasc.list.virtual-training-suite-helpdesk@army.mil

For information regarding the Accessibility of this website, please contact the Help Desk at: usarmy.redstone.usaasc.list.virtual-training-suite-helpdesk@army.mil

No. The Virtual Training Suite is fully government owned. Though we utilize commercial OEMs for platform/courseware development and sustainment, the US government maintains full purpose rights of capabilities and content assets. Unlike traditional IMI contract development efforts, the VTS is fully funded and managed by the US government, thus there are no licensing fees, commercial proprietary rights, or distribution limitations.

VTS Connect is an on prem VDI/mid-tier server designed to provide training facilities with remote capability to access VTS and other classroom software. This hardware solution provides an advanced graphics engine and storage, thus eliminating the need for computers at the student seats. This technology allows VTS to provide advanced, realistic training without costly hardware throughout the campus.

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The PEO Aviation Virtual Training Environment is designed to provide the Army Aviation community with the training resources they need to securely access content Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Device. Links to each Aviation mission house training materials produced and maintained by each of the PEO Aviation TADSS organizations.

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