The Virtual Training Suite features the following courses for Unmanned Aircraft Systems:

    Module 1
    Module 2
    Module 3

    Basic Overview
    Full Overview
    Rain and Ice Detection
    Electric Power System
    Navigation System
    Surveillance System
    Air Data System
    Landing Gear & Brakes
    Aircraft Flight Controls
    LED Lighting
    Identification System
    Fuel System
    Weapons System
    Propulsion System
    Audio System
    Positioning System
    Tactical Messaging
    Video System
    UGCS Electrical Power

Unit Training Management System

For more information contact the VTS Help Desk.

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The PEO Aviation Virtual Training Environment is designed to provide the Army Aviation community with the training resources they need to securely access content Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Device. Links to each Aviation mission house training materials produced and maintained by each of the PEO Aviation TADSS organizations.

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