VTS Versions

Latest VTS Version


Download the latest Virtual Training Suite. Feature updates, bug fixes, and more are now available, such as:

Features Bug Fixes
  • Executable Packages
  • RESTful VTS Service
  • Certificate Expiration
  • Failed Login Crash
  • Publication Updates

Supported VTS Versions

These previous versions of VTS are no longer available for download, but they remain supported. We encourage you to update to the latest version.

05.08.2024 (Hotfix)

Download the latest Virtual Training Suite. Feature updates, bug fixes, and more are now available, such as:

Features Bug Fixes
  • QR Code for Mobile Download
  • Group Policy Block Check
  • Developer Mode Fix
  • Multi-monitor Screen Capture Fix
  • Truncated Logfile Fix
  • Invalid Class on Logout Fix
  • Mid-Tier Locked File Fix
  • Session Sync Fix
  • Large File Download Fix
  • Timeout Crash Fix
  • ORS API Scope Fix

03.01.2024 (Hotfix)

Download the latest Virtual Training Suite. Feature updates, bug fixes, and more are now available, such as:

Features Bug Fixes
  • Updated Default Configuration to New Domain (vts.mil)
  • Install for Single User or All Users (HTML Security)
  • Disable Online-only Lessons in Offline Mode
  • ORS Updates
  • Harvestor Multiple Search String Fix
  • Logging Issue Missing ContentID Fix
  • Catalog Validator Logging Rules Cleanup

09.20.2023 Version 1.10.1 (Hotfix)

Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • Enabled Developer Attach Mode
  • Developer Mode Security Update
  • Lesson Offset Rendering Fix
  • Inactivity Timeout Fixes
  • Process Kill Fix
  • Empty State Background Display Fix

08.04.2023 Version 1.10.0

Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • FMS Student Feature
  • Developer Mode
  • Analytics Update
  • EAMS-A Login Script Error
  • Multiple Download Issue
  • Package Processing Issue
  • Logout Disposed Object Issue

02.23.2023 Version 1.9.2 (Hotfix)

Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • Multi-Role lesson Access Control
  • WebView2 Not Required to Login
  • ORS Screen Capture Fix
  • Session Logged Out Fix
  • Offline Login Fix
  • Certificate File Lock Fix
  • Auto-Logout Fix

Unsupported VTS Versions

These previous versions of VTS are no longer available for download, and they are no longer supported. If you are using one of these versions, you need to update to the most recent version as soon as possible in order to maintain the highest level of security and quality.

1.9 adds a new notification system to the VTS Hub, allowing users to be notified about related news events, necessary updates to training and the hub, the status of their local storage, and download status.

10.07.2022 Version 1.9.0

Features included in this release are the following:

  • Cloud Caching (Offline Mode)
  • Distribution Security
  • Disk Management Tool
  • Web-based Administration Tool

12.16.2022 Version 1.9.1 (Hotfix)

Bug Fixes included in this release are the following:

  • PIV Parsing Fix
  • Publications now using registered PDF Viewer
  • Harvest Logfile Truncation Fix
  • Unsupported Package Type Fix
  • Admin Tool Fix

03.25.2022 Version 1.8.0

04.07.2022 Version 1.8.1 (Hotfix)

04.22.2022 Version 1.8.2 (Hotfix)

Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • Mobile Authentication
  • Mobile Distribution
  • Multi-Service Support V1
  • New EULA
  • Transition to Offline Mode when Cloud connectivity is lost
  • Upgrade Logic Fix
  • Failed download stuck at 100%
  • Lesson without Packages bug
  • Truncated logfiles bug
  • Mendolia bug (Offline install from mid-tier share)
  • Crash when closing app at lesson launch

12.14.2021 Version 1.7.0

12.17.2021 Version 1.7.1 (Hotfix)

01.28.2022 Version 1.7.2 (Hotfix)

Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • Lesson Permissions (Authorization Service)
  • Lesson File Storage
  • Lesson State Data
  • Download Manager
  • Cleanup Feature
  • New Login Screen
  • Clean Up Manager Refactor
  • VTS Plugin Enhancements
  • Clean up Manager Bug
  • Various Bug Fixes

08.10.2021 Version 1.6.0

08.31.2021 Version 1.6.1 (Hotfix)

Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • ORS Support
  • Mid-Tier Feature
  • VTS Plugin ORS Support
  • Busy Indicators
  • Image Carousel
  • Rubix API Additions
  • Logfile Harvesting
  • Lesson Access Denied Bug
  • Web API Exception Error
  • Cryptographic Invalid Padding Exception
  • Unauthorized Access on Set Folder Access
  • Lesson Close Crash
  • ORS Submission Bug
  • Lesson Card Display Logic Bug
  • Lesson Package Cleanup


Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • Identity Server
  • My VTS v2
  • User Onboarding
  • Profile Edit
  • Unity Testing using prod VTS
  • ORS Plugin Integration
  • Unity Plugin Authorization
  • Lesson Startup/Shutdown Management
  • Uncompressing failure locks VTS bug
  • ToC Logic on Updates bug
  • Unity Crash causing VTS to Crash bug
  • Bookmark item with same key bug
  • Invalid Window Handle bug
  • Lesson isEnabled bug

11.20.2020 Version 1.4.0

01.12.2021 Version 1.4.1 (Hotfix)

02.03.2021 Version 1.4.2 (Hotfix)

Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • Certificate Feature (Lesson Based)
  • VTS Plugin Optimizations
  • Expanded Analytics
  • Rolling Log File Not Clearing Old Logs
  • MyVTS Shows Downloading on Startup
  • Progress Display clipped
  • Lesson Update/Download logic bug
  • Offline Mode Bookmark bug
  • Scope/Bookmark Logic bug
  • Unable to Find Unity Window bug
  • Logout not clearing Browser Session
  • Lesson ID logic bug

09.30.2020 Version 1.3.0

10.23.2020 Version 1.3.1 (Hotfix)

10.30.2020 Version 1.3.2 (Hotfix)

11.04.2020 Version 1.3.3 (Hotfix)

Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • ERM Feature
  • Offline Installer
  • Course Selection v3 (Empty State)
  • Web API v3
  • Admin Tool (Package Support)
  • Token Cache not Deleted on Session Timeout
  • Unable to Find Unity Window
  • Newsfeed Logic Bug
  • Unable to set Table of Contents (ToC)
  • Download Progress Broken


Features included in this release are the following:

  • Analytics v1 (Rubix)
  • Admin Tool (Lesson Support)


Features and bug fixes included in this release are the following:

Features Bug Fixes
  • User Interface v2 (Blue/Orange Theme)
  • Enhanced File Security
  • User Notes
  • Auto Session Logout
  • Cloud Auto-Configure
  • Course Selection v2 (Cloud Configured)
  • Web API v2
  • Bookmark v2
  • Cloud Services
  • STIG Compliance
  • Code Quality Enhancements
  • Database Last Login bug
  • EDIPI/PIV Logic Bug
  • Session Log VTS Version bug

01.27.2020 Version 1.0.0 (VTS Launched)

02.03.2020 Version 1.0.1 (Hotfix)

03.23.2020 Version 1.0.2 (Hotfix)

Features included in this release are the following:

  • Application Manager
  • CAC Authentication
  • User Interface (Blue/Gray Theme)
  • Content Manager
  • Download Manager
  • Newsfeed Banner
  • MyVTS Page
  • User Bookmarks v1
  • PDF Encryption
  • Version Checking/Updating
  • Pre-Release Access Control
  • Offline Login


VTS Beta Launch

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The PEO Aviation Virtual Training Environment is designed to provide the Army Aviation community with the training resources they need to securely access content Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Device. Links to each Aviation mission house training materials produced and maintained by each of the PEO Aviation TADSS organizations.

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